Hawaii Five-O Wiki

Good Night Baby, time to die! is the 22nd episode of Season 4 in the original version of Hawaii Five-O


A convicted murderer escapes prison. He has been threatening a woman, spurring McGarrett to arrive at the woman's home with police officers. As the lawman arrives, the convict calls, telling the woman he will kill her by nightfall. While McGarrett guards the woman, he also probes to find out more about the circumstances that led to the man's conviction. It's clear that McGarrett believes there's more to the case than she has been telling.



  • In an Episode of Gunsmoke Watson stars as a Convict who breaks outof Prison with a gun helped by girlfriend {Played by Loretta Swit} Ironically in an episode of MASH Watson stars as an officer who forces the doctors at gunpoint to operate on a wounded Sgt {Swit was also part of MASH But did not have a scene together with Watson}