F.O.B. Honolulu Part 1 is the 17th and 18th episode of Season 3 in the original version of Hawaii Five-O
The Chinese (led by Wo Fat), the Soviets (led by Mischa Toptegan) and assorted criminals are all after perfect counterfeit plates. The plates were originally developed by the Chinese, who want to use them to flood international markets with phony U.S. currency and destroy the American economy. Jonathan Kaye enlists Five-O's help to track down the plates and a Navy intelligence officer, and a friend of McGarrett's, also is part of the probe. However, the Navy man is secretly working with Nicole Fleming, one of the criminals after the plates.
- Jack Lord as Detective Captain Steve McGarrett
- James MacArthur as Detective Danny Williams
- Al Harrington as Ben Kokua
- Kam Fong as Detective Chin Ho Kelly
- Gilbert Lani Kauhi as Kono Kalakaua
- Khigh Dhiegh as Wo Fat
- Roger C Carmel as KGB agent Mischa the Bear
- Monte Landis as Tony Madrid
- Jospeh Sirola as Jonathan Kaye
- Plot Hole: Wo Fat is shot at point blank range by Tony Madrid (in the heart), and falls down. Yet when Five-0 arrive one second later, and Madrid is killed and the plates ruined by bullet holes...Wo Fat is no where to be found! How can he have escaped when Five O blocks the only road to the temple and there are no helicopters around to wisk Wo Fat away? Another Plot Hole is that Wo Fat Chief Henchmen is killed by Hawaii Five raiding Wo fat headquarters while trying to burn evidence ...yet he appears again with Wo Fat in "The Ninty second War"!
- When a extra playing a henchman of Wo fat is killed on the Tower of Wo Fat Headquarters and falls off the tower into the sea-it is a dummy thrown into the sea {Oddly this shot of the dummy falling into the sea is not seen in the syndicated version of the series in either the first part or the 2nd part teaser-although it was seen in the orginal broadcast) {the sequence of this part is a bit scrambled...it first show the Wo fat henchmen firing at Mcgarrat from a tower then shows this hnechmen and wo ft Chief hencehmen running in the Hq! (a proper sequence would be the two henchmen running in the hq..one to a tower where he is killed and the second to the hq trying to destroy evidence where he isalso killed)
- The Shot of mcgarret Firing from a helicopter at Wo fat Henchmen is a stock shot that was reused in other epsidoes.
- At the end where We Fat warns Flemming he has three assissans who will kill her if she tries to make a scene when she hands over one of the counterfit plates-one is killed by Madrid at the Temple of the Hills..question is where did the other two assassians/bodyguards "Disapper too"? Also Madrid kills Wo Fat Henchman outside the temple just after Wo Fat and Flemming retrive the second plate...yet how did he appear inside the Temple confronting Wo Fat and Flemming who are at the only entrance to the Temple??? {Logivally he would have confronted the two outside the Temple...a third continually error is that neither Wo Fat nor flemming hear the gunshot that killed the henchman!!
- This is similar to the Russian satire The Twelve Chairs in which a pair of fools chase down 12 chairs in order to find a hidden fortune...only to find its already gone!