McGarrett Residence is a home that belongs to the McGarrett family. It formerly belonged to John McGarrett. After John's murder at the hands of Victor Hesse, John's son, Steve McGarrett inherited the home and has lived in it to this day. The address is 2727 Piikoi Street.
- Steve's Room
- Mary's Room: Used when Mary is staying at the house instead of her place.
- Unseen guest room(?): Presumably where Danny stays.
- Living Room: Where Danny ends up sleeping on the couch.
- Hidden room: Used during Po'ipu.
- Garage: Seen in pilot.
- Kitchen
- Lanai
- Backyard: The house backs directly onto the beach, which is perfect for surfing/swimming.
- Basement- A small area where Steve hides General Pak and his family when the team comes under attack from one of Steve's SEAL buddies.